
Variations: Arborexusta stridens (Tryon), Tree-squeak

Treesqueaks make a whole variety of sounds, including vocalizations that evoke the wind in the trees, a cougar’s whine, a piglet’s squeal, and firecrackers at a wedding. These critters of the northern woods are small, prehensile-bodied, and can change color to match the tree they’re on. They look like weasels and are about as friendly as weasels.

Unexplained noises are always the work of a treesqueak.


Tryon, H. H. (1939) Fearsome Critters. The Idlewild Press, Cornwall, NY.


  1. Hi, I love how you did the Tree Squeak, I can’t wait to include this animal in my comic if that’s not a problem? Can I communicateye with you since my comics mostly involve mythical creatures and prehistoric beasts


  2. Pingback: the terrible treesqueak – Ant’sfindings

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